#1 Outsourcing

A highly educated nation with skilled individuals
willing to work with dedication.

Why the Philippines?

We've done the research so you don't have to. With 10 years of experience working in the Philippines, we've identified exactly what it takes to make a business succeed. Here are some of the reasons why the Philippines is today's top outsourcing destination.

English Proficiency

The Philippines is one of the largest
English-speaking countries in the
world with the official languages being Tagalog and English.

Highly Skilled Talent

BPO in the Philippines is not limited to call centers. There's talent throughout multiple fields including medical transcription, marketing, human resources, etc.

Available Workforce

Compared to other outsourcing locations, the Philippines has a higher number of accessible, high-skilled employees, 90% of these are college graduates eager to enter the BPO workforce. 

Cost Savings

The salaries, benefits, and operational overhead are a fraction of those in the United States, which makes the Philippines so appealing to businesses.

Work Ethics

Filipinos have a service-oriented mindset that drives them to foster a great working atmosphere. They value integrity and are, by nature,  very hard working people. 

Cultural Compatibility

There's a cultural affinity between the Philippines and Western countries due to the traditions, customs, behaviors, etc. passed on to them by the different countries that colonized the nation. 

Who's outsourcing to the Philippines?

In the last few years, the Philippines has become the BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) capital of the world.

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